Here are some updates and some photos of Peyton so everyone can catch up with out growing little one.
She is growing like crazy and talking up a storm.
She doesn't not like the reclined position, it's either sitting straight up, standing, or laying on her back to play. I can't believe how grown up she is starting to look, no more little baby, she's already turning into little miss independent.
She's also pre-teething. Everything and anything goes right in the mouth. She chews on her hands, my hands, whatever she can get into her mouth, and we have a drooler!
Thank goodness she's only had a few fussy moments so far with her teething.
She eats like crazy too- every 3-4 hours it's 6 ounces, we are going to start her on rice cereal soon. She likes to roll onto her side when she has something laying next to her that she wants to talk to- namely Pooh and she has rolled from her tummy to her back once or twice she really wants to roll over though, so it's only a matter of time. She does know that she can move to get places though. I will put her in ther crib to play and after a little bit she will move her way around. But her favorite thing to do is watch her sports with her daddy while she chews on her hands.
Her next apt is Feb 5th for her 4 month check up, so we will see how much she has grown then.
Here are some photos of Peyton since Christmas
First time in her jumper (just yesterday1/23)- she loved playing with the toys and loved it when I would bounce her up and down. She can't quite reach the ground yet, but that's not stopping her from having fun.
Little sleeping Peyton
She loves to find this little hole in Papa's arms
This is how she watches the Vikings games :)
Daddy had his first day with her with his new hours, so it was the first time that R got to pick out what Peyton was wearing on his own and what did he pick- her Wild outfit. But he did put pink socks on her so that everyone would know she's a girl. :)
She loves to lay on Great Grandma's bed
Look at how big she looks here. Growing out of her 0-3 month old pants...
But she sure knows how to smile.
And her new thing is talking- always some kind of noise coming out of her. Grunting and Oooing are her new favorite things to do.
My Friend Rose drove out to see us a couple weekends ago, it was so nice to see her.
She came to hang out with me and R but you know the real reason was to see this little cutie!
Tummy Time!
I set her down in the corner of the couch and withing 30 seconds I looked over at her and there she was sleeping.
Sitting in my Chair - she loves to sit in her chair. It allows her to sit up and be independent all in one!