Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Off to the Dr.
Mom's First Day at Home Alone with Peyton
We had a little excitement when the power in the neighborhood went out. It was only out for 30-40 mins but it was still the thought of -okay, if it doesn't come back on soon then I need to go out and figure out how to put the base in my car so that I can take her over to the farm or down to my parents house or something, because with no power meant no heat and it was only 40 degrees outside. But before I knew it, the power was back on and everything was just fine. When R go home though, we made sure that the base got put in my car so if I did need to go anywhere, it wasn't a problem to do so.
Other then that, it was a pretty uneventful day, just some Mommy and Peyton time.
Daddy's Last Day Home
Papa's Girls
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Jay and Nancy's Anniversary
I just had to mention how great it was when we were all downstairs in the basement (all meaning... Me, R, Peyton, Grandma Gail, Papa Bart, Cody, Tim, Anna, Ava, Ella, Jay, Nancy, Troy, Ryan, Bummer and Nikki.) We got stuff to play the dice game because Nancy wanted to play that and Peyton was sleeping in her pack-n-play and it got very loud- and by loud I mean, Ella started crying, Ava was not a happy camper and started throwing a fit on the floor and everyone kept talking and laughing and what did little Peyton do? Just slept... yep not even a little stir from her as she only sat feet away from the melt downs... She's going to fit in just fine with the family, we aren't a quiet family when we are all together so I was very excited that she was able to sleep threw it all and I hope she continues to be able to.
Peyton's First Dr Apt
Peyton's First Big Outting
On the way there, we stopped at R's work so that he could show Peyton off to some of the girls that he works with. We also go to see Aunt Bonnie for the first time, we called her when we got there and she came down to see her.
After R's work, we worked our way closer by stopping at Papa's work, so that he could show her off right before lunch.
Then off to the Mall of America- yep that's right, we took our 3 day old little one shopping at MOA! We went for 2 reasons, one it had been a long time since we have been down that way so that meant we needed to stop to get some Panda Express- Yummy! And then we walked around the mall going to all the childrens clothing stores looking for some newborn cloths for Peyton since we had not bought too much NB sizes because we didn't think that she would be in that size for too long since most says it's to 7lbs. We bought a lot of 0-3 month old clothing but it's too big, so we stopped at Gymboree, Children's Place, Carters and the Disney store... and believe it or not, we didn't buy anything! None of the stores had really anything that was for newborns... well cute stuff for newborns! So much for taking her out shopping!
When we got to Grandma's and Grandpa's we took a trip to Target to get Diapers and see what they have for some newborn clothing, and Grandpa bought Peyton a couple warm outfits. With the unusually cold weather we were having, we needed to get some warmer clothes for her to wear.
Going Home
Bubba was okay in the car over- wanted to see her every time she made some noises but otherwise pretty good.
Hanging in the Hospital
Grandma JoAnneAuntie Anna, Cousin Ava, Peyton and Cousin Ella!
Aunt Nancy
Great Grandma Lorraine
Great Grandma Mary
Cousin Nikki
Peyton had a busy first 2 nights with Daddy-
She watched the Vikings game with Daddy on Monday and on Tuesday night she watched the Twins play the Tigers in the playoff game for the division title and the Minnesota Wild play thier first home game of the season. She must be a little good luck charm because the Vikings beat the Packers, the Twins beat the Tigers in 12 innings to be the divion champs in one of their last games in the Metrodome and the Wild won as well, making it their 9th year in a row to win on opening night! She's starting off on a roll with her daddy.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Peyton Marie Ives
We became parents to a beautiful little girl!
Peyton Marie Ives
Monday Oct. 5th we went to Unity Hospital at 6:30am and started my induction to labor. When Dr. Hamel came in first thing in the morning, he said that the weekend had helped a little and that I was dilated up to 2+. They started me on Pitocin and we began labor. At the beginning it was pretty boring, got hooked up to the monitor (monitoring the same things as the NST) and the waiting game started for the day. Not knowing how long it would take or in R's case, what would be going on during the Vikings vs Packers game at 7:20. With both Grandma's and Grandpa's and Uncle Gerrit there, we sat around and talked and joked about the scene in "Baby Mama" where she's sitting on the birthing ball and they ask who wants drugs and she raises her had and goes "Whoo Whoo!" - the laughs were good to keep my mind off the pain when I could actually start feeling the contractions (the first couple I didn't even know I had- too bad they couldn't all stay like that!) Also to pass the time, R went online and did some shopping- He ordered her Minnesota Wild cozy cover for her car seat and her Lobster Halloween costume, I even did an update to the blog for the previous Monday apt.
When Dr Hamel came and checked on me around noon, I was about a 3+ and about 1pm, I took the epidural as the pain was starting to get to me. That was not fun... not that anyone said that it would be but at that moment it was like getting the pain from 2 places at once. But once it was done things got better and I was able to settle down a little bit and take short naps on and off. My legs felt like they were burning up but from waist up I was freezing.
At about 5:15pm R got back from dinner right as Donna my nurse came in with the Dr and they checked me again and I was already dilated to 9cm, and Donna said we are having a baby in the next 15 mins or so... Never tell a pregnant women in labor 15 mins... cause it was no 15 mins!
Just pushing wasn't working but once I was given the stirrups to pull on that helped speed up the process a little more.
We had one scare when we were getting close... Hamel checked on her position and asked for an ultrasound, I could not see anything that he was seeing on the ultrasound but Mom and Ma said that they did and that she was trying to
come out sideways. We heard Dr. Hamel say "that's what I thought" and we thought for sure that it was going to turn into a c-section. But with a little twist and turn, he helped her along and got her to turn her body so that her shoulders would came down and out correctly. He said at this point that I could keep trying to push and sometimes that helps or we could have the epidural upped to help reduce some of the pain, cause at this point I could feel EVERYTHING, the epidural was doing nothing at all! With the chances of the epidural sending me backwards and slowing things down again, I said I would keep pushing, total time pushing was an hour and 15 mins.
It was a long day with lots of "I just want to be done" comments from me and R trying his best to be supportive and not laughing at me in pain :), but after 12 hours and 45 mins of labor our little bundle of joy was born.
When the Dr. put her on my chest, the first thing I said was "she's got my God Damn nose!" and everyone laughed!
As they took her over to clean her up, I also finished up and shocked the Dr a little in the process. When he was looking at the placenta, he said that I should have had complications during pregnancy (other then the Preclampcia) because the umbilical cord was not in the middle of the placenta, it was off the side and that could have caused a lack of blood flow to the baby and he was shocked that it didn't. I was shocked when he was looking at it and he asked if R wanted to come and look at it and R actually went over and looked at it as he explained it to him. There's no way I could have looked at it.
But what a feeling, holding this little baby that had been inside of me for the past 9 months. To finally holding this baby that has been in the making for the last 22 months and seeing her moving, opening her eyes and hearing her cry, it was the most amazing feeling ever.
And to top R's day off, she was born at 7:17pm - the game started at 7:20pm and kick off wasn't until about 7:30pm, so he didn't miss any of the game. He even had the game turned on before the Dr. even left the room!
Everyone came to visit and were there at the hospital when she was born. Auntie Anna was outside the door talking Grandpa Bart through everything they were hearing, and she got to see Peyton before she had to go home to Tim who was home sick and had the kids. Aunt Nancy, Aunt Bummer and Nikki came too. Nikki got to hold Peyton before she was even 30 mins old, I know that made her day. And Haley, Joe, and Haley's mom even made it out before we moved to our new room-- at half time. The nurse could not have planned that any better. We got all settled to move right as half time started. R pushed the lullaby music that plays threw out the hospital saying that a baby was born and we made it into our room and were pretty much settled by the time the 2nd half started.
After settling in, I got to feed Peyton her first bottle (they told us she could eat about 1/2oz or so and she drank half the bottle - whoops - it was only 1oz that she had but still, that's where the little eater started!) We did have her stay in the nursery for the night, as I was really sore and tired and R's back was already out so sleeping in the chair that folded out meant he was not getting up fast or anything, so she slept there for the night to allow us to get a little sleep.
And yes, R is looking up at the game and not at any of the cameras
Grandma JoAnne was taking the photos and we didn't get one of her holding Peyton right after she was born but she took her turn holding her
Grandpa Steve
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Last Dr. Apt before the big day...
Again everything was looking good. The NST test came back good and my blood pressure still had not spiked any further then it had been, weight went down a couple more lbs, I don't know what to expect for weight any more because of the water weight.
After checking her heart beat and looking at the test results from Monday, Dr. Hamel finally said it's time. Saturday is our due date and we will be at 40 weeks and he feels everything is fine to start inducing.
R had a preference when we went in that if we schedule for early next week, to do it Tuesday - because Monday night was the Vikings vs Packers game and he didn't want to miss it cause we were in labor. So we asked to do it on Tuesday and went for our NST while they worked on setting it up. R was not able to sit in for the test this time, cause there was another lady back there, so he had to go out to the lobby. Hamel came in while I was doing the test and said that he works Monday at the clinic and is the on call Dr. at the hospital Monday night and then back at the clinic on Tuesday, so if we set up the induction for Monday there is over a 90% chance that he would be the Dr. there at the time of delivery. So while R was in the waiting room I told him to go ahead and set up the induction for Monday morning. R was a little upset at first when he found out that there was a chance that he would be missing the game, but like the Dr. said, there's a TV in the room but he was on the same page as I was and really would like Hamel to be our delivering Dr. So in the end, he was okay with it just hoped all weekend that I would not be in the middle of delivering during the big game.
So Monday Oct 5th is the scheduled big day. We have to be at the hospital at 6:30am.
Grandma and Papa are going to follow us up to the hospital and Grandma and Grandpa are going to come up first thing int he morning and meet us at the hospital.
One last weekend to make sure that everything is taken care of and the house is ready to bring her home.
Snoopy Room
The decals are what really make the room Snoopy. There is plenty for her to look at while laying in her crib.
Even still found room for all her Sandra Magsamen stuff. R wants to get a one made with her name and her birth date to hang up as well.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Monday apt.
But he didn't, we continued the waiting game , said that we would talk about it again later in the week, said to make an apt Thursday or Friday... but he is not in the office Thursday so we made an apt for Friday at 1:50pm.
So the waiting game continues some more....