We had our 1st appointment on Monday 3/23, nothing too exciting. I had to do the glucose test already, and everything came back fine. R and I were disappointed that we were not going to have an ultrasound and our little one must be a stubborn as we are because it didn't let the Dr. find it's heartbeat so we had to have a ultrasound today 3/25 (What a way to spend our 1 year anniversary, getting to see our baby for the first time!) . This is baby Ives at 12 weeks and measuring about 5cm. It was amazing getting to see the little one move around, you could see it's little arms and legs moving. Above you can see it's little head the leg curled up and the arm in front of it's face. You can also see it's spine and it looks just like a little person with it's little face :) It was so weird knowing that the baby is just moving around like a little maniac but knowing that I still can't feel it move yet. Our next appt. is April 20th but our next ultrasound will be at 20 weeks. That's when we will get to know what the sex is, and we can't wait, 8 weeks and counting!
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