Sunday, April 26, 2009

The frist pregnancy - so far...

So far I don't have much to complain about, my pregnancy has been good so far! (Cross my fingers that it stays this way!)

For my first trimester I didn't have to deal with the "morning sickness" too much, only actually got sick once on a Famous Dave's BBQ Chicken Salad- keep me from eating lettuce for a little while. I would get the nausea, but all I would need to do is have a little something to eat and it would go away, but nothing that would keep me in bed or rushing to the bathroom so I was really excited about that.

For me the worse thing about my pregnancy so far is my acid reflex. Now it's gotten better so far during this second trimester, maybe cause I've been taking notes of what foods cause it more since I'm only allowed to take some over the counter meds that haven't ever worked for me. But at first it was really hard to handle. I'm sure it will be back once the little ones hair starts to grow :) but I'll take what I can and learn to eat things that help it and not make it worse.

R will say the worse thing about my first trimester was having to watch TV by himself every night cause I couldn't stay awake past 9pm! He's made a couple comments to me recently about how he can't believe I'm still awake now that I'm in the second trimester and stay up again till it's really bed time.

As far as cravings, I have had a few...
  • BBQ was one that I had right away- not sure if it was cause I just like it or if it's cause I was craving it, but I've been trying to stay away from it as it causes my acid reflex to act up.
  • Pickles- this started at Addison's Birthday when Sandy and Chrissy had them out and me and Nancy polished off some of the jar. Now this is just bread and butter pickles and just them alone, NO pickles in my Ice Cream!
  • Melted Kraft Cheese- Mac and Cheese and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with Tomato soup (just enough to dip it in cause tomato sause causes the acid reflex!) But I could have these two things all day every day resently!
  • WATER- has got to be my biggest craving though. Not that I didn't drink water before I was pregnant but it's just about the only thing I want to drink. I always have a bottle of water in my purse or in my hand or on my desk at work, but really I can not complain cause it's not adding pounds the only complaint is that I'm pregnant and I'm already going to the bathroom ALL THE TIME, I'm sure drinking tons of water is not helping the cause!
  • And then there is Ice Cream- I have to teach the kid right from the start don't I? Even if it's not a craving from pregnancy but just cause I love Ice Cream!
I'm definely starting to show too. My shirts are getting shorter and to the point were to wear the maternity pants that I need to wear to fit the belly, the materniy band will show if I only wear my old shirts. So I've slowly been picking up some new clothes here and there, mainly tee shirt cause they are comfy. And everyone is starting to look down and noticing that there's a little baby bump growing. I'm going to have to start taking pictures soon to keep track of how much I grow from here now that you can see the little bump!

But I really hope that everything keeps going as good as it has been so far. I can always hope right! :)
But for now, Mama, Daddy and baby are doing good!

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